Ipecac (Cephaelis ipecacuanha), also known as Psychotria ipecacuanha, is a medicinal plant whose roots are used primarily for their emetic properties. Here are the diagnostic morphological and microscopical characters of ipecac:

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Morphological Characters

  1. Root:
    • Ipecac root is small, tortuous, and cylindrical.
    • It is typically 3–6 mm in diameter and about 10–20 cm long.
    • The roots are externally greyish-brown or dark brown, and they have characteristic annular rings or transverse ridges that give a segmented appearance.
    • Internally, it shows a pale cortex and a central woody core.
  2. Stem and Leaves:
    • The stem is woody, and the plant is characterized by an erect, simple, or branched shrub that grows up to about 30–60 cm in height.
    • Leaves are opposite, elliptic, and glabrous, with a smooth, shiny surface.
  3. Flowers and Fruit:
    • Flowers are small, white, or greenish, clustered at the terminal ends.
    • The fruit is a drupe, dark-purple to black when ripe.

Microscopical Characters

  1. Root Tissue:
    • Cork: The cork consists of several layers of thick-walled cells, usually dark brown due to the deposition of tannins.
    • Cortex: The cortex is broad and contains numerous secretory cells. It has some starch grains and cells with calcium oxalate crystals.
    • Phloem: Present next to the cortex, the phloem consists of sieve tubes, parenchyma, and fibers. It contains characteristic prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate.
    • Xylem: The xylem is made up of lignified fibers, vessels, and parenchyma.
  2. Starch Grains:
    • The cortex contains simple or compound starch grains, which are oval or rounded.
  3. Calcium Oxalate Crystals:
    • Calcium oxalate crystals are prismatic or in cluster forms and can be found in the cortical parenchyma.

These diagnostic features are useful in identifying and authenticating ipecac root, especially in powdered form, where its characteristic microscopic elements such as starch grains, cork cells, and crystals are critical.